The Singing Cooks & Waiters

Hi Guys! This is Aliya, confidently beautiful with a Filipino ♥

Location: The Singing Cooks & Waiters atbp..
Pasay, Philippines

All of the crew are singing even the guards! 🙂 You will definitely enjoy here. The foods are delicious and worth the price:)

My Mom and I also danced. Though, I didn’t tell who my mom is in the video hahah!!



NARS: Marie-Galante duo (hooded eyes)


I used NARS Marie-Galante duo

I am afraid everytime I will put my makeup on if I will put eye shadow or not. Because it seems that it is hard where to put my eye shadow and if it will look like out of place.

Recently, I tried various experiment in applying eye shadow and I can say this is what the outcome.

What I did is, I actually follow my crease and then that will be the only point I will stop my brush. So there will be no overlapping. Here’s the result.


Me(wacky face)

“SEXY” makes her look at the camera

Hi Guys!

I’ll share a very SHORT video of my dog, Milky 🙂

This is Milky, japanese spitz, who is currently mad and sad at me. Then, I took a camera and called her “Sexy”.
Thanks for her favorite word! She finally looked at me.



